Tuesday 21 August 2012

More classes

I found out what my other classes are like today and I have a feeling Tuesday and Thursday are going to become my favourite days. My class this morning of the reformation I knew some stuff but was also able to kinda show off with some of the information I knew. I think it is going to be definitely an interesting class but I am not sure yet whether it will be easy or hard. There is a lot of reading to do for it and the professor does quizzes in order to check up on us doing the reading. It is a sneaky way of making sure we are doing the reading I guess, even though not all of it is related to our papers, I'm sure there will be some link to in the exams we will have to do. What's strange is I have already started one of the assignments for that class. I found the book as excerpts online which has definitely helped in beginning 4-6 page paper. I already have a fair few notes so I am going to type them up tomorrow and see where I am at with that paper. I know it sounds sad but I just want to get ahead then I can relax and I don't really have to stress that much.

My other module in the afternoon was amazing, it was on slavery and the professor for it was really awesome! We had to go around and introduce ourselves to the class which was kinda useful it broke the ice kinda. She was so down to earth and just generally awesome! She was joking about and making the first class really fun, I don't think I stopped laughing throughout the class. It was a relatively small class was well. To be honest looking at my diary I work to do and reading to do, but I think it is manageable i just need to get a balance and to sort my life out in all honesty.  Having a student planner will really help with that I think.

I had a few hours between my two classes today, in this time I did some work in the library, ate my lunch and chilled at the grove. However I have decided that starting from Thursday in that break I am going to do some swimming for an hour to do some exercise and then I am going to go to the library and do some work and then I am going to get some food before going to class. I think this plan is going to work really well but I guess we will see how I feel on Thursday.

What I loved about being the library today was that I was able to talk to Steph and Matt. I was so happy to hear Steph is feeling good and got herself a man. I almost don't think I stopped talking to Matt today, it was really nice but at the same time I think it was a bit much. A great thing about having campus wide wifi was that I  was with friends today and my mum was talking to me. Which was lovely to hear from her and get to talk to her but at the same time I felt afterwards like I was neglecting my friends. By I am sure once I am organised and everything is settled I will still be able to talk to my friends back home and be able to maintain my friends and my grades here as well.

I am definitely getting there now I am becoming busy and getting work to do. It is awesome knowing what I am going to be doing each week in advance and when exams are and when papers are due in. I am already using some of the local vocabulary, like classes, papers and professors. It is crazy but everyone is saying it so therefore you kinda need to stay with it. Just makes everything so much easier.

I got some more post today, Auntie Deb sent me a magazine and a postcard, and grandpa sent me a lovely card as well. It was really nice to hear from him. I do miss home and the people but I am having an awesome time he as well. It is so contradictory! I just wish I got to talk to some of my home friends more. I seem to keep missing them which kinda sucks.  But I am going to keep trying my best.

After all this stuff I have done today, I came home, found the computer lab which has a printer, I just have to buy some paper and did some work. I then came back to my room did some more skypeing and did some more work. At least I have a beginning or a head start on some of my papers. Which I am really chuffed about.

Tomorrow is another adventure. 

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