Saturday 25 August 2012

Frat party

I am not going to bore you with the general going to and from classes and visiting the library and the amount of work I did. Put it this way, I did work I went to class.

I did go onto campus nice and early today to try and talk to Matt and my parents, I was able to talk to my mum quite a bit but Mattt is starting to get busy so it's going to get hard to talk to him.

After class,  Molly came and got Alice and I and took us to the SOnic!!! It is amazing! It's like a drive thru but you can sit there and eat your food, we just had milkshakes but they were soo good. She then took us to see the rich people's houses is Oxford! I have no words to describe them,! Iflt like I was in a film, they were fairy tale houses! it was truly phenomenal . Molly laid that people from college lived here! I was like I wish I could live in these houses when I am at uni! They were that incredible! Grand oaks the place was called. We then stalked some guy back to campus, we was cute, clearly had a dog and was from a great fraternity! What reason was there not to?

When she brought us back , I checked my mail and got very annoyed that my camera charger hasn't arrived yet and it was one of those moment where all those little things hit you and I had a mental breakdown - wonderful. Not fun! I swear I am going to end up earning a reputation here! Us postal service isn't very good for international post, FedEx doesn't really exist in the UK therefore it hard to get anything here on time! Iask one of the advocates and she said that it can take up to a month sometimes! How ridiculous is that? I am going to have to make sure when I am sending stuff home that  I send it in good time to arrive for birthdays and the such like. Iwas very lucky that Laura has an extra camera that she's letting my have until my charger arrives!how awesome is that!  I have such wonderful flat mates!

Either way , Alice managed to calm me down, bless her. Later on in the evening everyone was asking if I was okay. Oh dear Oh dear! I went down to the pool party and chilled with some of the other English people as well as my other mates as well. Before deciding it was time to go and get ready fort he party tonight. So did my hair and make up got back to Alice's and once we were all ready we went down to Robs and Doumhal's after a few laughs and pictures etc. we called taxis to take us to the fraternity that were having a party. However and this was the bummer of my night - i hadn't brought any ID with me thinking I wouldn't need it, therefore couldn't get in, therefore had to go home.

How well I am not disputing that I like sleep! Haha. Tomorrow is another adventure! 

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