Thursday 16 August 2012


So today was the first day of orientation, and to be honest it got quite tedious and boring towards the end. It got very complex with the health insurance and there was so much information to take in it was hard to concentrate, especially when the breakfast that was supposed to be provided wasn't. Teenagers doubt like getting up at that time, most days therefore without food it was even worse. Although some of the information about classes and the Mississippi laws and what our visa means and some of that stuff was really interesting and it was good to know what we can and cannot do. It was great to know who to talk to in certain situations and know a little more about what we are going to be doing the rest of the week. So it was a completely wasted day, also we got free food out of it which is always a bonus. The people I must say are lovely, they are all really enthusiastic and up for it and really bubbly lovely people. It is good to know that there re people who can help us that have been through the same situations and can understand what we are going through. It was also good to know what our card can do,  I still have a few questions but I felt really nervous about asking them so I will just email people and ask them and see what responses I get.

After all this paperwork and concentrating  we went to Walmart to et a few bis and pieces I brought very little food but I got a pillow, some cleaning products just some little essentials. I think for food I am going to have something big around lunch time and then snack in the evenings. I think that will be better for me than spending money to cook food whilst here. I still have to figure out the weekend when I get there.but I know most places will be open to get some sort of food I would hope.

So after getting two buses to get back to trails and unpacking all our food. I went down the pool and cooled off playing basketball and swimming. It was really nice with Diane (france) and Nayana (Brazil). We also met some guys there as well. Mikael and Carlos (brazil) and Jordan (Alaska) plus a few others, playing more basketball, chilling and talking. It was really nice getting to know some more people. They invited me and Diane to a party tonight. Diane couldnt go , but I went for a while and it was really cool. Listening to real cool music talking to people from all over the world. It was awesome!!!

Tomorrow is another adventure. 

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