Monday 13 August 2012


As the title suggest today it rained, however it was different to British rain! It was hot, it was warm rain and there was thunder and lightening with the rain. And when it stopped raining you know it normally cools everything off and it feels better - NO! It was got hotter. humidity is screwing with my head! It makes it hard to breathe sometimes!

Either way because I am British and of this type of family - I walked! My dad and I walked in this rain and we walked what seemed like all over campus!! I hate rain and thunder and lightening it puts me in the foulest of moods ever! We walked through thr linrary which is massive! It has the same layout as the one at my uni back home but it is so much bigger., i have also noticed they have so many places to study all over campus! Its amazing! I am going to spend most of my time chilling on campus i think. Not to mention the number of food places as well and thats just in the union. We eventually found the bus stop we were looking for and got to Wallmart (it cost us a buck! Thats all!!). We brought the few things we needed and came back. We decided to chill for a bit and just look up places to eat and stuff. Molly was going to join us but something stopped her from coming which is cool. We went to the Rib Cage - just off the square. It was lovely! Good food! I was no expecting the bread to be fried or sweet, and I completely forgot that chips means crisps in this part of the world. Either way I have to say it was lovely and I really enjoyed it. Everything is so much bigger here, it's just so strange and it's so much to get used to. Even there language is different, I mean I got laughed at for using the phrase cheap as chips, or saying do you fancy going to dinner with us? Seems so normal to me! And yet alien to everyone else. Oh and by the way we got a little wet coming home again.

Molly came a picked me up, and took my back to her dorms to print off my dad's boarding passes for tomorrow and for me to meet all her friends! There are lots of them and it is going to be really difficult to remember all their names but I am sure I will learn with time. Either way there dorms are lush! They have roommates though which is really bizarre. But they dress their rooms up real nice and they have so much under bed storage! Most people have fridges and microwaves! I mean I can't imagine having that back home! Also it seems that most of the student take 5 classes or 15 hours of work a week. So it seems like that is the thing to do, but I don't have to do gen ed classes so we will have to see. Molly and Christian were explain all about sororities and how they work and what is involved in them and everything! They are really hard to get into and you have to do so much stuff! Seems pure madness but after meeting all her 'sisters' I would love to be part of one! They are all a massive family they are so close and tight nit. It is amazing! 

We ended  up going to this girls house and chilling out, dancing and stuff. It was amazing they are all crazy people. I am going to have an amazing time if I stick with this lot! They are awesome. I just got to loosen up around them, they are all so tight and I am only here for like 4 months so it's gonna be difficult together myself in on them but I will defo try! What was weird was that people were just helping themselves to food from the fridge or freezer? I knew it was something they did over here but was crazy seeing it being done. 

All her friends loved the fact that I am British and loved to her my accent so were asking me questions all the time. They wanted to know about the Olympics and therefore freaked out when I told them I was volunteering there. They asked me who I met and then they freaked out again, they obsessed with british royalty and celebs! Its amazing! It was great to see some people are so excited about our country. I didn't realise a lot of them woke up at 3am to watch the royal wedding and the jubilee!! I know people that woke up that early to get down there and see it first hand but not to watch it on tv! I guess the time zones suck! 

I don't even know what else to say - after a relatively sad and depressing morning I have to say i had an awesome afternoon and evening. My camera however still wont charge off anything which sucks! So i am going to have to wait til i can get that set up and sorted. Oh well stuff like this happens i guess. Tomorrow is another adventure 

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