Saturday 11 August 2012

1st Full Day

So was up early this morning bloody jet lag. Either once ready, Dad and I set off on a walk around to get our barrings, off to downtown we went and there are so many little quaint shops - quite lovely and looks like i have just stepped into an old Western film with all the rocking chairs on porches and beautiful wood balconies. Quite surreal. We found out where a few bits and pieces were, however we couldnt find a pharmacy or drug store anywhere, even when we went back later we couldn't find one. We returned to our b&b for breakfast - scrambled eggs, cheese grits, a slice of sausage, fruit salad, fresh bread and orange juice. I have to say the grits was not to my liking!! However I had to try it because well... You just have to on these sort of trips.

Either way, once fed and watered, we set of to a public practise of the Ole Miss college football team! I have to say the amount of equipment they have and the level they play at, not to mention the size of the stadium is just incomparable. It is just something else, I got bored fairly easily though and went for a walk around campus - I have to say it is lovely and green. The buildings are so big! I am sure I am going to get lost more than once, even with a map. It is such a big campus and there are going to be so many students there. What about classes? Will everyone know a lot more than me to being with? Am I going to have to double my work load to get up to the same level as these other students? I know I should take one challenge and one adventure at a time however I am the sort of person who worries about these things.

Speaking of worrying! I have done something really stupid! I looked up some reviews of where I am staying and they are not the best. They have in all honesty really freaked me out. I know what I m going to do though if i am not in decent accommodation. I have talked to dad and he has calmed me down about the some things but I am still not happy with what I have read or seen on google maps. I know, I use some really reliable source s.

We seemed to have walked for miles today, we walked almost all around campus and walked to one shopping center that consisted of a cinema, jc penny's and a book mart. And walked all the way almost to university trails the other side. We came to the conclusion that I am not going to able to walk to campus which I must say I am slightly disappointed at. I like my walking. I saw some of the fraternity houses when we went onwards to find the confederate cemetery. It just such an interesting culture and so different to the UK. The whole idea of frat parties and pledges seems like something from the movies not done in real life. After exploring a bit more we sat in the grove and talked about where to at tonight and chatted about the whole experience etc. it is really nice getting to spend this time with my dad.

Once we made it back, we did a bit more research about the area and what we could do on the other days we have here. We tried researching some of the malls around here but to be honest did have a lot of luck. It didn't tell us what was in them in any case. I got to Skype Matt which was lovely, it was soo good to hear his voice and see his face, occasionally with Jane popping in the Screen.  I read his letter over again and ended up in tears all over again as well whilst on Skype to him! How embarrassing! We tried going to a rib place recommended online but it was closed therefore we had to go to this pizza place instead. It was lovely if a little greasy for me, i just needed fluid it turns out. What tripped me out was that there was 6 tv, 3 pairs showing different programmes, I don't think dad and I talked throughout the meal. In my opinion that is awful - going out for a meal means that we should talk and discuss. Watching the news and football was to what I had in mind. It was just mind boggling. When walking back to the b&b, we were trying to find a camera place because I can charge off the mains power and have managed to forget the three in plug... Oops. We ended up letting dogs onto the street, it wasn't our fault....or was it? 

Home now and chilling before sleep - tomorrow is another adventure. 

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