Thursday 16 August 2012


Right! now let's get back on track. Posting at their right time today.

What happened today p? Well as the title suggests no a lot. I set up my webid which means I get online anywhere on Campus, which I guess is pretty awesome. There was another tropical storm however this one was a lot worse, it was like July 2007 in Gloucester but within the space of 3 hours in Oxford, Mississippi. It was horrendous! I walked in it and got absolutely drenched! However I must say I managed to dry off pretty quickly. I feel kind of awful today becasue I have been spending time with a lot of English people rather than widening my horizons with other people from other cultures and other languages and the such like. It is really odd, but I guess until I fully settle in I am going to stick with familiarities. Alice (Essex) and Gill and Domhnall (both Irish) and I visited the rec center where there is a pool and a gym and the possibilities of doing classes and stuff like that. It was a great place to dry off and a good place to know my way round. Will definitely be visiting there at some point. I forgot to say, we went to chick filet for lunch and it was quite nice to be honest with you. I am sure however I am going to get thinner here because I can't see myself eatin a lot of food. It is all very greasy. Some of it is fine but I think it is going to take some getting used to. 

Oh I forgot something - I got a card - I know sounds exciting however all this card was, was to book my chest x ray when I have finished my class schedule, so it can fit in with my classes and stuff. Sounds crazy I mean how long can a chest X-ray take right? But oh we'll I guess I can sort that out later. Classes! Well there is a palava in itself. Such a complex system it is so difficult to figure out how to do things and how to organise it. I am lucky it turns out two of my requested classes I have been put on which I guess is good but I think they are a really basic level. I am just hoping Reading uni do not stop me from doing them because they would be easier and would help me do well at the end of this semester. All the classes are generally booked up and see are having to visit professors and email them and things like that which is awful! It is so hard, and complicated. I think I am going to have a word with my advisor tomorrow and see what they say. But I have a real feeling that it is going to be really hard for the first week and a half to two weeks. 

It is so humid here, it is starting to put me in a really off mood. I haven't had a real lie-in in over a week. It is killing me! I need to sleep! I am still coughing. All this stress I was not expecting. Not to mention the pressure of trying not to get caught with alcohol. I could fail all my modules for this term which makes the whole idea of it worth avoiding - parties yes but drinking no! I am having to stay away from it. Not to mention the pact with my dad! I am so going to beat him! We can do it I'm sure!  
I got to Skype the whole family today which nice! It was great to talk to them. I am missing everyone from home so much, it was really nice of Gill to let me use her wireless Internet in her flat in order to continue the conversation, however I ended up being unsocialable so I cut the call. I hate being unsocialable but I had to talk to them. 

Most of the people here are in there third years so they are a lot more grown up these me and they can officially drink which is really annoying! But also I am kinda getting bossy again which is the one thing I didn't want to do. I really don't like people that try to do something and then just give up because it is too difficult or they can't be bothered etc, etc. it really gets on my nerves. Yes I want to talk to someone tomorrow but at the same time I want to get my classes sorted and try and get into classes that I want to do. That is going to take effort! Grr some people. I completely get where they are coming from - but why not just look at other options and see. The system isn't the best here but it works for them, you don't always get the modules you want in England either so at the end of the day - live with it!! 

Anyway rant over - tomorrow is another adventure. 

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