Sunday 2 December 2012

Farewell meal

So today was productive I wrote up all my notes for another one of my classes and caught up on all the notes from these past weeks in the other three of my classes. I have a realtively lazy morning though, before doing that work. I had a nice chat with matt on Facebook and stuff. It was cool. I watched some films whilst doing my work.

I got in the shower around midday and made sure my hair was relatively dry. However I lost the motivation to do work, so instead I started packing. I have packed one suitcase and I am almost all done. I just need to sort some stuff out later this week and ask my parents about some stuff and it's all good. It was useful procrastination. I then did my make up and headed to Sophies where for the next hour, victoria and Sophie straightened my hair and did a very good job. It looked so different. It has been a while since I straightened my hair. I quickly ran back to my apartment because I had forgotten some stuff and patty and Lohrie needed letting in.

I met Sophie outside the clubhouse and we headed to Alice's, we exchanged our secret Santa presents, gill liked hers from what I could tell and Immy brought me a lovely tree necklace it is really nice, I love it! I put it on straight away. It was at this point we headed to the restaurant for our meal, it was not cheap I will say that but the food was good and it was great to have a meal with the girls. I had chicken spaghetti with mushrooms and creamy sauce. It was real nice. We then went to Irie and chilled there for a little bit discussing various things. Gaby, Catherine and I then decided to come home.

There was a party at my place so we headed up there but it was dead but as soon as they left it started to pick up. I met a load of new people. Mika, Ian's housemate was there, Ryan who works with Joe at Starbucks was there with his friends rob and Jason. It was a really good party. I got talking to a few people and had some really nice conversations. Unfortunately as soon as Gill and the other British girls arrived from the square, the cops turned up and shut it all down. It was kinda bummer, especially as they had to take our details. It's going on file apparently. Oh well it is better than a $500 fine.

A few people turned up afterwards and we had to turn them away, some came to hang out and talk about stuff but there were very few. I headed to bed once everyone had moved to another appartment, people kept coming in to get stuff that they had left in our appartment so I had to make sure that I could lock the door and that patty had her key. So sleep time for me.

Tomorrow is another adventure 

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