Tuesday 4 December 2012

Late exams

I really don't like exams that are later in the afternoon. Because I spend all day trying to revise and not getting anywhere or doing something else. So I started relatively early in the morning doing middle ages revision because I still haven't finished those notes. But it got too late, I had a sower and some lunch and then got started on slavery revision. However it didn't go well, I ended up skyping my parents.

I went to my exam then realized I hadnt done some of the reading that she said would be a good idea to do before the exam. I just forgot all about it. That didn't help the beginning of this exam, I just wasnt ready for this one at all. Not feeling confident about this at all. I met Hannah and Gaby at the bus stop and I was freaking out. When we got into the exam, it wasnt too bad but I am really not feeling good about this one. I don't think getting my mark back from my exam on Monday helped, I got 94%, which don't get me wrong I was chuffed about but still should have done more work for this exam today. Just so stressed. Anyway sat in the exam for the best part of 2 and a quarter hours doing these exams. I had to write two essays and a analysis of a primary document. Some of it wasn't that bad but in all honesty not feeling great about.

After the exam, all three of us finished about the same time, so we went and sat in Starbucks for a bit and chilled before getting the shuttle back to trails. I kinda wish I hadn't got a piece of cake because when I came back I didn't want to eat or anything which was kinda of poor. Anyway back to trails and I started revision for my exam tomorrow morning.

Also matt and I have been together 6 months today, it has gone so quickly, only 4 days until I am back.

Tomorrow is another adventure.

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