Sunday 2 December 2012


To be honest today has been fairly chill, I skyped my parents and matt but however did no work in the morning at all. Kinda gutting but nice just to chill. Molly came and picked Alice and I up around 1pm and we went for lunch at newks, I had roast beef sandwich and a salad it was really nice. I'm really glad when I skyped my parents that I managed to talk over some stuff as well, just like packing and stuff to bring home and stuff like that. It was really good although, I found out that I had missed out on a family tradition, muppet Christmas carol so hopefully we will be able o do that again at some point. I was so gutted that I missed it. But I guess it was always going to happen coming out here.

After lunch, I got on with some work but I didn't get a lot done, it was just so tedious and the subject doesn't interest me which makes it worse. I should have gotten more done but oh well. I am going to crack in tomorrow night and tomorrow morning before and after my exam and try and get those notes written up at least most of them. So I don't have to worry too much about them and I can revise for my exam on Tuesday as well. 

Ah gonna be a hectic week but it will be all good. Get finals over and done with. I can't believe that semester is almost over. 

Tomorrow is another adventure. 

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