Friday 7 December 2012

Last day

So today was my last day at Ole Miss university.

My exam went okay in the morning could have done better but could have gone a lot worse as well. But it's fine. I went and sat in the union and watched Buffy the vampire slayer and skyped my parents. Which was lovely. I grabbed some lunch and then had my session with Ahemd, which I kept getting distracted in because Hannah and Catherine had told me they had had issues with checking in which was worrying for me. But anyway we had a decent session and I found it Immy is going to take over my mantel next term.

I then printed off my boarding passes just fine no issues, and met Alphonso for coffee. He actually turned up this time, we got talking and Joe and Immy turned up and some of his friends turned up as well but it was really nice to chat to him. I emptied my Caxton card and recycled my phone. But it was nice to talk to someone at stuff other than packing, leaving and exams. He gave me a lift home becasue he was willing to take any of our unwanted food off our hands which was nice of him.

After this I chilled, packed up the rest of my stuff, took stuff down to the rubbish, I did the dishes and stuff. I am going to pack up some of the stuff and take it to the van tomorrow morning as well just get it away and sorted, I have given myself enough time. I cooked myself a basic dinner, I dropped the left over tea bags at Joe's. So now I am pretty much ready to go. I watched a Mariah Carey film with patty and made myself some dinner. But that was about it.

At 9, I went over to Alice's apartment where everyone seemed to be congregating before going various places to party or whatever. I saw the presents that Ha had got them, photo books from across the semester it was such a lovely gift. Everyone started to gather and it got to 11:30 and I just needed to go. I needed to sleep. I have to admit I had had a cry, Alice had gotten me started and I was off. It is awful I know but still I couldn't help it.

I came back to my apartment and just got ready for bed and now am just going to sleep and try and get a good nights sleep for tomorrow. Still in denial about leaving tomorrow for good.

Tomorrow is another adventure. 

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