Monday 10 December 2012

Homeward Bound

Wow well these past few days have been mad! Pure madness.

Saturday, I woke up at 6am and could not for the life of me get back to sleep everything I tried just wouldn't work. So I chilled for a while until it was time for me to be getting on with things, I got up and got dressed, clearing away the bits and pieces that were left to tidy and pack. I took all my stuff to the garbage and the van to give to the next students. I was then able to relax, Laura was awake by then and the tv was on so we just sat and relaxed for a bit. Patty then came in and chilled telling us about the night before. It was then time for us to say goodbye and we are states! they have been such influences over me, over the past 4 months it was hard not to cry to be honest. It wasn't long before I was back in the apartment because our Student Advocate hadn't done the final check therefore I had to have someone come back with me to the apartment to do this check. It was all good signed off and sorted, I was loaded onto the bus with everyone else. We left late - typical! and heading to Memphis, it was a quick trip to be honest with you.

Checked in our luggage and got that sorted and through security. Hannah, Catherine and I had some starbucks and Sophie and Ope had something from this restaurant in the airport. Memphis airport is not a nice place to be. Hannah, Catherine and I went for a wander after some food to fine Gaby, which we did. She was a little stressed bless her, I went and picked up something from a shop as an xmas present. When I got back, Little Alex had found us. He had been in the airport since 6am and had a three hour delay on his flight and his missed his connection so he had to get on a new flight in order to get in at a reasonable time. Bless him he looked knackered.

Anyway first flight was fine and quick which was good, arrived early into Chicago, so I got to spend some time with Grandpa who was waiting for me. He was in business class so we weren't sat near each other but that was okay. to be honest I don't think we would have been able to speak much in any case, just too tired. I got about 3 hours sleep on the plane which was good to get to be honest, I needed it. We arrived in Manchester early again so Matt had to be woken up by my dad, I managed to get my luggage off the carousel  and we came out of everything and then Matt and Dad were waiting for us.

Matt immediately came over and gave me a cuddle and a kiss which was lovely and I gave dad a nice big hug. We proceeded to the parking lot and found the car and packed it up with grandpa's and my stuff. Dropped Grandpa at home where i had some food and shower and got changed. We started heading for home when I got a phonecall - apparently I had left my purse on the plane. we were half way home as well and so we had to head back and get it!! It had my id and everything! Luckily we got it back and everything was fine, nothing was stolen that i could tell anyway.

We headed for home again and this time made it back. Leanne had left the most lovely card and balloon on my car which was great!! i am very thankful to her for doing that. Olivia then came out and said Hi with a massive hug and everything. Bless her, in her onesie! I gave mum a big hug also. We went inside and I opened my present from Olivia, she got me a box of chocolate bars and a folder to organise my life into! Amazing! Mum and dad had gotten me a bracelet also. it was lovely, we  had some lunch and had some on my sweetie cake. It was amazing to spend some time with my family. I have missed them so much. Mum cut my hair and we got me unpacked and sorted! Packed a bag to get to Reading, and finished watching Shawshank Redemption and then heading to Reading.

It was a quick journey with disney songs, Matt and I decided to have a 20 minute nap which worked wonders!! When we arrived, I went straight into see the girls, they had jumped on me at the door despite me asking them to wait until everyone was in the house. it was so good to see them. Mum, Olivia and Matt sorted out my bed and dumped my stuff. They then left and went back to Gloucester. Matt stayed of course and I spent just under an hour talking to the girls. We went to bed really early, we talked for a while and then decided to sleep.

I kept waking up during the night but then was able to go straight back to sleep thank god. Matt did struggle to get me up this morning. It was hard to keep my eyes open. 

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