Thursday 6 December 2012

Good exam

I will still claim that 8am are ridiculous, I wish I had slept longer this morning but still I got up and went onto campus straight to the SAE house to see caleb, Ben and watson who all seemed alright about the exam. They finished up getting ready and I wondered over. I wanted to sit and contemplate in the room. I hate being stressed going into an exam.

The paper was actually pretty good I am not too confident in some of my ID answers but I think my essays went quite well. I had one of women and one of elizabeth I which I was well chuffed about. I did the exam in just over two hours, Taylor left really soon after I don't think he wrote enough but hey ho thems are his grades not mine. After the exam I went to the turner nice tee to get my swimming stuff out there was no chance I was going to get to go swimming in the last week of term let's be honest. After sitting there for 10 mintues trying to figure out why my lock wasnt working I realized I was using the wrong code. Anyway I emptied my locker bar the towel that was there's in any case. I then proceeded to Starbucks where I was due to meet Alphonso for out rearrange.

After 4 hours of sitting there doing work and talking to people of Facebook, having a quick chat with Anatole and one of my professors. I got a text of alphonso he had left his phone at home and had forgotten about our meeting. I am starting to think he doesn't want to see me. Anyway I called him and hopefully we can meet tomorrow but we shall see. I have to thank him in a way, I did get a lot of work done. Anyway I came home and did more work, I had shawshank redemption on in the background as I did my work which was nice. After the film I made some more notes and then made myself some dinner, I cooked with Hyein which was interesting. Both of us trying to use the hob. Anyway I finished mine first and got on with it I was starving! I tried some of hyein's curry she had made it was lovely. She said she wished I had cooked more so she could have tried some more English food. But in all honesty i don't really have the utensils here to cooks decent meal and not only that I would be scared she wouldn't like it. I suggested cooking tomorrow for her but she already has plans which is understandable.

After dinner I skyped matt for a little while this is the last major chance I will really get before leaving on Saturday. It was good to talk to him again. I did some notes whilst on Skype to him so now I have them all sorted and ready to look through tomorrow morning in depth. Anyway time for some sleep hoping I know more than I think I do for tomorrow's exam...

Tomorrow is another adventure. 

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