Monday 3 December 2012

Finals begin

So I had my first exam today, I regretted going ont to campus earlier although I did manage to claim my chest x ray from my insurance and give in my books from the library. I then spent too long worrying about the exam itself. I met a random girl, Jesse, from my class and we did some studying together but in all honesty I was shocking I knew nothing. I was so scared about it. I went and grabbed a Starbucks to put something on my stomach before the exam. I saw Catherine and so we went and got some blue books and then proceeded to our respective exams.

Mine went well, it was relatively easy I wrote a fair amount and finished in 1h30 so I think that was quite good going. I then skyped my dad because I had a few questions. I talked to my sister a little bit as well . I still cant believe how close it is getting to me coming home. When I was on the computer in the morning I entered into a photo competition from my home university and when I was writing my paragraph for it I was tearing up. Getting all emotional. Anyway, after this I saw Hannah and chilled with her before getting my bus to walmart. My final walmart trip. I stopped at goodwill to being with to drop off some donations clothes and books that I don't need anymore. I brought all I needed in Walmart and then headed to rebel rags, I got my final presents. All Xmas shopping has now been done. Exciting stuff. I also spent less that I thought I would which was awesome! Even when I added it up going about the shop I still came to less at the till! Even better. I was feeling so good, I came back to my apartment and packed away my presents that I had brought in my case.

We have sorted out my case issue now. Which is even better. It is weird packing everything up ready to leave but not yet. Not yet.

Tomorrow is another adventure. 

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