Monday 10 December 2012

Last Post

Well, I guess this is the last post.

It has been an amazing experience and I am so glad that I was able to write it all up on here and allow all my friends and family to read all about it every day and night. so they know that i am well and alive and all the individual adventures I am having every day.

I have loved every second of my journey out in Mississippi. I have learnt so much about myself and i have had an phenomenal time. I can not say anything. All the friends I have made I am going to stay in contact with  and i hope they will stay in contact with me too.

I guess this is the end of one adventure and now its time to find the next one.

Bring it on world!! I can handle anything you throw at me now!! 

Homeward Bound

Wow well these past few days have been mad! Pure madness.

Saturday, I woke up at 6am and could not for the life of me get back to sleep everything I tried just wouldn't work. So I chilled for a while until it was time for me to be getting on with things, I got up and got dressed, clearing away the bits and pieces that were left to tidy and pack. I took all my stuff to the garbage and the van to give to the next students. I was then able to relax, Laura was awake by then and the tv was on so we just sat and relaxed for a bit. Patty then came in and chilled telling us about the night before. It was then time for us to say goodbye and we are states! they have been such influences over me, over the past 4 months it was hard not to cry to be honest. It wasn't long before I was back in the apartment because our Student Advocate hadn't done the final check therefore I had to have someone come back with me to the apartment to do this check. It was all good signed off and sorted, I was loaded onto the bus with everyone else. We left late - typical! and heading to Memphis, it was a quick trip to be honest with you.

Checked in our luggage and got that sorted and through security. Hannah, Catherine and I had some starbucks and Sophie and Ope had something from this restaurant in the airport. Memphis airport is not a nice place to be. Hannah, Catherine and I went for a wander after some food to fine Gaby, which we did. She was a little stressed bless her, I went and picked up something from a shop as an xmas present. When I got back, Little Alex had found us. He had been in the airport since 6am and had a three hour delay on his flight and his missed his connection so he had to get on a new flight in order to get in at a reasonable time. Bless him he looked knackered.

Anyway first flight was fine and quick which was good, arrived early into Chicago, so I got to spend some time with Grandpa who was waiting for me. He was in business class so we weren't sat near each other but that was okay. to be honest I don't think we would have been able to speak much in any case, just too tired. I got about 3 hours sleep on the plane which was good to get to be honest, I needed it. We arrived in Manchester early again so Matt had to be woken up by my dad, I managed to get my luggage off the carousel  and we came out of everything and then Matt and Dad were waiting for us.

Matt immediately came over and gave me a cuddle and a kiss which was lovely and I gave dad a nice big hug. We proceeded to the parking lot and found the car and packed it up with grandpa's and my stuff. Dropped Grandpa at home where i had some food and shower and got changed. We started heading for home when I got a phonecall - apparently I had left my purse on the plane. we were half way home as well and so we had to head back and get it!! It had my id and everything! Luckily we got it back and everything was fine, nothing was stolen that i could tell anyway.

We headed for home again and this time made it back. Leanne had left the most lovely card and balloon on my car which was great!! i am very thankful to her for doing that. Olivia then came out and said Hi with a massive hug and everything. Bless her, in her onesie! I gave mum a big hug also. We went inside and I opened my present from Olivia, she got me a box of chocolate bars and a folder to organise my life into! Amazing! Mum and dad had gotten me a bracelet also. it was lovely, we  had some lunch and had some on my sweetie cake. It was amazing to spend some time with my family. I have missed them so much. Mum cut my hair and we got me unpacked and sorted! Packed a bag to get to Reading, and finished watching Shawshank Redemption and then heading to Reading.

It was a quick journey with disney songs, Matt and I decided to have a 20 minute nap which worked wonders!! When we arrived, I went straight into see the girls, they had jumped on me at the door despite me asking them to wait until everyone was in the house. it was so good to see them. Mum, Olivia and Matt sorted out my bed and dumped my stuff. They then left and went back to Gloucester. Matt stayed of course and I spent just under an hour talking to the girls. We went to bed really early, we talked for a while and then decided to sleep.

I kept waking up during the night but then was able to go straight back to sleep thank god. Matt did struggle to get me up this morning. It was hard to keep my eyes open. 

Friday 7 December 2012

Last day

So today was my last day at Ole Miss university.

My exam went okay in the morning could have done better but could have gone a lot worse as well. But it's fine. I went and sat in the union and watched Buffy the vampire slayer and skyped my parents. Which was lovely. I grabbed some lunch and then had my session with Ahemd, which I kept getting distracted in because Hannah and Catherine had told me they had had issues with checking in which was worrying for me. But anyway we had a decent session and I found it Immy is going to take over my mantel next term.

I then printed off my boarding passes just fine no issues, and met Alphonso for coffee. He actually turned up this time, we got talking and Joe and Immy turned up and some of his friends turned up as well but it was really nice to chat to him. I emptied my Caxton card and recycled my phone. But it was nice to talk to someone at stuff other than packing, leaving and exams. He gave me a lift home becasue he was willing to take any of our unwanted food off our hands which was nice of him.

After this I chilled, packed up the rest of my stuff, took stuff down to the rubbish, I did the dishes and stuff. I am going to pack up some of the stuff and take it to the van tomorrow morning as well just get it away and sorted, I have given myself enough time. I cooked myself a basic dinner, I dropped the left over tea bags at Joe's. So now I am pretty much ready to go. I watched a Mariah Carey film with patty and made myself some dinner. But that was about it.

At 9, I went over to Alice's apartment where everyone seemed to be congregating before going various places to party or whatever. I saw the presents that Ha had got them, photo books from across the semester it was such a lovely gift. Everyone started to gather and it got to 11:30 and I just needed to go. I needed to sleep. I have to admit I had had a cry, Alice had gotten me started and I was off. It is awful I know but still I couldn't help it.

I came back to my apartment and just got ready for bed and now am just going to sleep and try and get a good nights sleep for tomorrow. Still in denial about leaving tomorrow for good.

Tomorrow is another adventure. 

Thursday 6 December 2012

Good exam

I will still claim that 8am are ridiculous, I wish I had slept longer this morning but still I got up and went onto campus straight to the SAE house to see caleb, Ben and watson who all seemed alright about the exam. They finished up getting ready and I wondered over. I wanted to sit and contemplate in the room. I hate being stressed going into an exam.

The paper was actually pretty good I am not too confident in some of my ID answers but I think my essays went quite well. I had one of women and one of elizabeth I which I was well chuffed about. I did the exam in just over two hours, Taylor left really soon after I don't think he wrote enough but hey ho thems are his grades not mine. After the exam I went to the turner nice tee to get my swimming stuff out there was no chance I was going to get to go swimming in the last week of term let's be honest. After sitting there for 10 mintues trying to figure out why my lock wasnt working I realized I was using the wrong code. Anyway I emptied my locker bar the towel that was there's in any case. I then proceeded to Starbucks where I was due to meet Alphonso for out rearrange.

After 4 hours of sitting there doing work and talking to people of Facebook, having a quick chat with Anatole and one of my professors. I got a text of alphonso he had left his phone at home and had forgotten about our meeting. I am starting to think he doesn't want to see me. Anyway I called him and hopefully we can meet tomorrow but we shall see. I have to thank him in a way, I did get a lot of work done. Anyway I came home and did more work, I had shawshank redemption on in the background as I did my work which was nice. After the film I made some more notes and then made myself some dinner, I cooked with Hyein which was interesting. Both of us trying to use the hob. Anyway I finished mine first and got on with it I was starving! I tried some of hyein's curry she had made it was lovely. She said she wished I had cooked more so she could have tried some more English food. But in all honesty i don't really have the utensils here to cooks decent meal and not only that I would be scared she wouldn't like it. I suggested cooking tomorrow for her but she already has plans which is understandable.

After dinner I skyped matt for a little while this is the last major chance I will really get before leaving on Saturday. It was good to talk to him again. I did some notes whilst on Skype to him so now I have them all sorted and ready to look through tomorrow morning in depth. Anyway time for some sleep hoping I know more than I think I do for tomorrow's exam...

Tomorrow is another adventure. 

Wednesday 5 December 2012


8am exams should be banned, I got up nice and early only managed to get onto campus 5 minutes before the exam started. It went well I did it in 1h 30 mins but I should have stayed longer! In hind sight I would have stayed longer but oh well cant change it now. This meant I had an hour and a half to kill before the buses from campus direct to the square started, so I went with Sarah to get a starbucks although I didn't get anything and then had a nice chat with savannah from one of my classes. That killed enough time that I went to the square sold my books back to rebels books I only got around $27 dollars for them but oh well.

I came back to campus and watched some tv online waiting for two o clock to come algonquin to see Alphonso to get a text as I was heading to Starbucks saying that he couldn't come. I headed home instead at that point. When I got home I started revision for my exam tomorrow as per, I skyped my sister and Im'd my dad. So it was all dandy I went to cook dinner and met patty's mum and brother because they are here visiting. Patty's brother, Bill is huge! He is really tall. And her mum is lovely. I cooked a basic meal it was nice enough, I watched girl with a pearl earring whilst eating and then went through some more revision notes. Ann then came around and gave us a sheet of things to do before moving out which was cool. So I kinda got started on them. Hyein and I cleaned the kitchen and I did the batheroom as well. I used up all my bleach in the process. From this I then started packing up the rest of my things. I am pretty much packed now, just got washing to put in and stuff.

I was chilling out talking to Hyein about some stuff whilst led lazily on my bed when Caleb text me asking if I can go over and revise with him, Ben and Watson, due to lack of car I was like I can come over tomorrow morning or you will have to come a pick me up. So he came and got me, and so I was sat at the SAE frat house revising with these guys answering questions and talking to them about stuff. It is probably the most revision I have done for a final yet which is shameful. But I am going over again tomorrow morning to go over final stuff before the exam and I may even get some more breakfast out of it.

Anyway Ben gave me a lift home and for the beauty sleep.

Tomorrow is another adventure. 

Tuesday 4 December 2012

Late exams

I really don't like exams that are later in the afternoon. Because I spend all day trying to revise and not getting anywhere or doing something else. So I started relatively early in the morning doing middle ages revision because I still haven't finished those notes. But it got too late, I had a sower and some lunch and then got started on slavery revision. However it didn't go well, I ended up skyping my parents.

I went to my exam then realized I hadnt done some of the reading that she said would be a good idea to do before the exam. I just forgot all about it. That didn't help the beginning of this exam, I just wasnt ready for this one at all. Not feeling confident about this at all. I met Hannah and Gaby at the bus stop and I was freaking out. When we got into the exam, it wasnt too bad but I am really not feeling good about this one. I don't think getting my mark back from my exam on Monday helped, I got 94%, which don't get me wrong I was chuffed about but still should have done more work for this exam today. Just so stressed. Anyway sat in the exam for the best part of 2 and a quarter hours doing these exams. I had to write two essays and a analysis of a primary document. Some of it wasn't that bad but in all honesty not feeling great about.

After the exam, all three of us finished about the same time, so we went and sat in Starbucks for a bit and chilled before getting the shuttle back to trails. I kinda wish I hadn't got a piece of cake because when I came back I didn't want to eat or anything which was kinda of poor. Anyway back to trails and I started revision for my exam tomorrow morning.

Also matt and I have been together 6 months today, it has gone so quickly, only 4 days until I am back.

Tomorrow is another adventure.

Monday 3 December 2012

Finals begin

So I had my first exam today, I regretted going ont to campus earlier although I did manage to claim my chest x ray from my insurance and give in my books from the library. I then spent too long worrying about the exam itself. I met a random girl, Jesse, from my class and we did some studying together but in all honesty I was shocking I knew nothing. I was so scared about it. I went and grabbed a Starbucks to put something on my stomach before the exam. I saw Catherine and so we went and got some blue books and then proceeded to our respective exams.

Mine went well, it was relatively easy I wrote a fair amount and finished in 1h30 so I think that was quite good going. I then skyped my dad because I had a few questions. I talked to my sister a little bit as well . I still cant believe how close it is getting to me coming home. When I was on the computer in the morning I entered into a photo competition from my home university and when I was writing my paragraph for it I was tearing up. Getting all emotional. Anyway, after this I saw Hannah and chilled with her before getting my bus to walmart. My final walmart trip. I stopped at goodwill to being with to drop off some donations clothes and books that I don't need anymore. I brought all I needed in Walmart and then headed to rebel rags, I got my final presents. All Xmas shopping has now been done. Exciting stuff. I also spent less that I thought I would which was awesome! Even when I added it up going about the shop I still came to less at the till! Even better. I was feeling so good, I came back to my apartment and packed away my presents that I had brought in my case.

We have sorted out my case issue now. Which is even better. It is weird packing everything up ready to leave but not yet. Not yet.

Tomorrow is another adventure.