Thursday 12 July 2012


Who knew going to the States for 4 months could be so stressful, paying for Visa's and embassy appointments.

$400 later and 3 hours sat in the US embassy in London I had my Visa! So many fees and phone calls.

Now just to book flights and organise the rest of the paperwork. I have already sent off some of the pieces of paper they needed like housing and medical information.

So much stress in trying to get it all organised but I have to admit that it was an interesting experience and at least I know what to expect next time I have to do it.

The only sad thing, is there are very few people who could help me, as they all had boundaries on what they could tell me and the amount of help they could offer, which is sad to be honest, but I have managed to organise everything out so I am all sorted Visa has been approved.

Flights have now been organised - thank you dad, I leave on 10th August! Less than a month to go!!
I have some packing to do!!

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