Monday 23 July 2012


So much stuff I need to take with me!

I just need to make sure that some of it I could possibly throw away at the end of my time there to make room for the stuff I have brought out there.
Mum has already warned me she is sending a lot of the xmas shopping to me so I can bring it back in. Seems it is useful for everyone that I am going out there.

My Packing lists so far contains:
Shorts x 4
Jeans x 2
Skirts x 2
Shoes - Sandals and trainers
Sun Cream, Face Cream with SPF, After Sun.
Chargers and Adapters
Toiletries - toothbrush and medication.
Hat ?
Swimming and Gym Gear
Rain Coat.

Leave a comment if you think I am forgetting everything.

Thing is I am hoping to do some shopping while I am out there, so bringing everything back could be interesting.... might have to take some stuff out to throw away...  I don't like to throw away clothes. Although the prospect of going shopping is making me slightly excited!

I have two days to get this all sorted! Wow!! so much organising to be done!
As far as I know there is nothing else that I really need to organise, I am sure something will come to me in due time though. 

Wednesday 18 July 2012


So much confusion over how many modules I am doing in America and what modules and what modules I am doing when I get back to the UK.

I thought I had agreed all this with my personal tutor but obviously the ideas he has passed on haven't been remember. Many emails have been sent to and from various people involved, and finally in my mind I have sorted it, and I just hope they are all able to come into terms with me as well.

There is so much to be done and it is starting to get really scary, leaving all my friends and family behind, however I know that if I do not take this opportunity I will regret it for the rest of my life! It is just too amazing to pass up!

I know when I get back I will have so many stories and so many things to share and it is a life experience but the build up for me has been so stressful. So many questions and so many things to organise. I am just thankful for my family and my friends for helping me through this whole thing.

Thursday 12 July 2012


Who knew going to the States for 4 months could be so stressful, paying for Visa's and embassy appointments.

$400 later and 3 hours sat in the US embassy in London I had my Visa! So many fees and phone calls.

Now just to book flights and organise the rest of the paperwork. I have already sent off some of the pieces of paper they needed like housing and medical information.

So much stress in trying to get it all organised but I have to admit that it was an interesting experience and at least I know what to expect next time I have to do it.

The only sad thing, is there are very few people who could help me, as they all had boundaries on what they could tell me and the amount of help they could offer, which is sad to be honest, but I have managed to organise everything out so I am all sorted Visa has been approved.

Flights have now been organised - thank you dad, I leave on 10th August! Less than a month to go!!
I have some packing to do!!


So this is a Blog to track my progress and to show my adventures in the US of A from August to December. 

I am going Ole Miss University - Mississippi! :D 

This has been a long time in the planning. 

It all began in November 2011 when there was a talk at Reading University about a study abroad programme across the world. 

After doing research into what Uni's I could go to, I decided Ole Miss was the one for me. After the serious amount of paperwork, I heard in May that Ole Miss were willing to accept me. The pressure was on to do well in my exams. Results in June - Yes confirmation email - I am off to the US!! 

Exciting new experiences stem from this moment!